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Episode Library

Oct. 19, 2021

Ep. 5 - Is Your Physical and Mental Health Slipping?

Are you feeling busy to the point of being overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious? Are you letting your health slip - and is this trickling down to your kids? Dr. Michelle Levitt joins me to break down her 5 Key Health your Slip doesn’t...
Oct. 11, 2021

Ep. 4 - Functional Nutrition and Gut Health

Nutritionist Gina Jones joins the show to talk about why gut health is important, symptoms of GI issues, how to promote a healthy digestive system, and the definition of functional nutrition.  She is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in...
Oct. 5, 2021

Ep. 3 - Stress Free Mealtime and Nutrition

Is it a challenge to properly feed a family when you are short on time, resources, variety, and imagination? Nutritionist Colleen McArtor, Founder of Sustainwell, passionate health advocate, and nutrition coach, stops by to share the nitty gritty and...
Sept. 29, 2021

Ep. 2 - Body Positivity

What does it mean to be body positive? How does it help shape who we are, and how we feel about ourselves - and our interactions with each other? This episode takes a close look at how we develop our own body image, what influences it, how we can gain...
Sept. 19, 2021

Ep. 1 - Starting Our Journey

Introductory episode to share a little bit about myself, the Podcast where I share stories, explain my passion, and invite others to join my adventure!
Sept. 14, 2021

Let's start Growing Up!

A sneak peek at what's ahead on Growing Up with Dr Sarah!