Human behavior expert and parenting coach
Rachel Bailey is a human behavior expert with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. She specializes in parenting children with big emotions. She is speaker, a frequent podcast contributor and a creator of the Long Game Parenting method. For over a decade, she helped thousands of parents bring out the best in their children. Before her private practice, she was an in-home mentor who helped to improve family dynamics, a therapist and a teacher of positive parenting strategies. She is also a mom of two daughters (one of them is a big emotions kid).
Rachel can cover the following topics:
How do you know if you have a child with big emotions?
How to nurture children’s ability to manage their emotional responses in healthy, adaptive ways.
How to help children become more self-aware, understanding their own feelings and how to prevent their emotions from controlling their behavior
Rather than fixing a problem for their children, how to focus on helping them identify and understand their feelings and then think through their own solutions to a problem
How to help children not be as reactive when things do not go their way
How to raise resilient children with healthy self-esteem
How teaching kids to handle their discomfort improves behavior, self-esteem, AND resilience