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March 07, 2023

Ep. 69 - What is a Fever and how to calmly care for you child

A recent study found that 1 in 3 parents may be unnecessarily giving children fever-reducing medication. What temperature warrants fever meds in kids? What are some other ways to reduce fever other than meds? What is the best way to take a...

A recent study found that 1 in 3 parents may be unnecessarily giving children fever-reducing medication. What temperature warrants fever meds in kids? What are some other ways to reduce fever other than meds? What is the best way to take a...

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Growing Up with Dr Sarah

A recent study found that 1 in 3 parents may be unnecessarily giving children fever-reducing medication. What temperature warrants fever meds in kids? What are some other ways to reduce fever other than meds? What is the best way to take a temperature? In this episode Dr. Sarah will answer these questions and more including when to call the doctor so you can confidently and appropriately care for your child who has a fever.

If you want more tips and guidance, make sure to follow @growingupwithdrsarah on Instagram and subscribe to the podcast!