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April 09, 2024

Ep. 115 - Essential Measles Update: What parents need to know about measles and how to protect your children

Measles is a virus that is very contagious and preventable. Up until recently, Measles was under control in the US. In this episode, Dr. Sarah will discuss what parents need to know about the symptoms of Measles, how it spreads, contagiousness and more!

Measles is a virus that is very contagious and preventable. Up until recently, Measles was under control in the US. In this episode, Dr. Sarah will discuss what parents need to know about the symptoms of Measles, how it spreads, contagiousness and more!

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Growing Up with Dr Sarah

Measles is a virus that is very contagious and preventable. Up until recently, Measles was under control in the US. In this episode, Dr. Sarah will discuss what parents need to know about the symptoms of Measles, how it spreads, contagiousness and more!