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January 02, 2024

Ep. 101 - How to feel Freaking Amazing by eliminating toxin exposure!

Have you ever wondered about the toxins we may be exposed to and how this is affecting our health? Join Dr. Wendie Trubow, a functional medicine gynecologist and toxin expert and I in a passionate discussion about how eliminating toxins may be the...

Have you ever wondered about the toxins we may be exposed to and how this is affecting our health? Join Dr. Wendie Trubow, a functional medicine gynecologist and toxin expert and I in a passionate discussion about how eliminating toxins may be the...

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Growing Up with Dr Sarah

Have you ever wondered about the toxins we may be exposed to and how this is affecting our health? Join Dr. Wendie Trubow, a functional medicine gynecologist and toxin expert and I in a passionate discussion about how eliminating toxins may be the answer to chronic conditions. In this episode we talk about her own struggles with mold, heavy metals, Celiac disease and other health issues and the first steps in creating a healthy, vital life and more! 

Please enjoy a free gift from Dr. Wendie Trubow:

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If you want more tips and guidance, make sure to follow @growingupwithdrsarah on Instagram and subscribe to the podcast!